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Isil Uysal Calvelli

Coach professionnel certifié (PCC)

Domaines De Coaching

Langues Parlées

Isil accompagne les individus et les organisations dans la transformation de leur sentiment d’insatisfaction en un sentiment d’appartenance, de motivation et d’autonomie. Elle est également formatrice de coaches et aide les leaders à développer un état d’esprit de coach grâce à des programmes de formation accrédités par la Fédération International de Coaching (ICF), afin qu’ils puissent aider au mieux les autres. Pour Isil, le travail est le vecteur de la générosité et du développement de l’être humain et se pose la question « Comment pouvons-nous nous développer grâce à notre travail ? ». Son livre The Gift of Being Unfulfilled at Work et son podcast Unique Careers, Unique Lives sont les produits de cette recherche. Avant de se lancer dans le coaching, Isil a travaillé pour des organismes bancaires multinationales en tant que cadre supérieur dans la gestion de projets, la gestion de produits, la numérisation et l’expérience client. Elle a toujours été intéressée par l’apport d’idées créatives au service des gens, ce qu’elle poursuit dans son travail de coaching. Isil est d’origine turque, elle vit actuellement à Munich, en Allemagne, avec son mari d’origine italienne et ses deux chats allemands.

Isil Uysal Calvelli facture 149.47 $ canadiens par session

Son Style Unique​

Isil considère que sa principale force en matière de coaching est sa présence, qu’elle cultive par des pratiques régulières de méditation et de réflexion. En partenariat avec ses clients, elle établit l’approche de coaching la plus efficace pour faciliter la réflexion, la créativité, la pleine conscience et l’énergie.  Ses clients apprécient son écoute profonde et ils disent se sentir plus sereins et inspirés par ses mots. Son style de coaching est chaleureux et créatif. Elle invite ses clients à des jeux de rôles et à découvrir où l’apprentissage et l’inspiration prennent place.

Expérience Professionnelle

  • Baccalauréat en gestion, Bogazici University
  • Coach professionnel certifié (PCC), Fédération internationale des coachs (ICF)
  • Entraîneur certifié de yoga, Cornwell Wellness SL
  • Instructeur de méditation, Open Heart Project
  • Praticienne Careershifter


« When I got in touch with Isil, I did not know what to do to feel good about work. I did not like what I do, I was overwhelmed and upset. I knew I had to do something to change my situation, but I did not know what to do and where to start.

In our sessions with Isil, I got clarity about what was important to me at work that I was missing. This clarity gave me confidence and power. By the end of the first month, my emotional state at work changed completely, I now could stay calm and did not let situations take away my power anymore. Through the exercises Isil introduced me, I discovered a new career path for myself that feels so right that I am surprised I did not see it before. Now I am taking consistent action towards my new path and I am excited about it. »

Salma Wahba

« I worked with Isil to gain clarity in my career direction, and I found clarity for all the things in my life. Thanks to Isil’s guidance, questions, and challenges I developed a growth mindset. Before I would complain and not take action. Isil encouraged me in every session by asking “what is the next step”. I became more intentional. I learned about what is important to me and my values. Isil’s ability of analysis and sensitizing have been very helpful in that. When she summarized what she heard from me, I felt it was even better and deeper than what I wanted to say. Through our work, I learned to channel my energy focusing on the things I can control and letting go of the things I cannot control. I loved working with Isil, I appreciate her wholeness, the warmth she brings to the coaching while at the same time being fully professional. » 

Anne-Marie Nguyen

“I started working with Isil because there was a thorough change happening in both my personal and professional life. I was having extreme discomfort and was not able to understand what was the cause of this and how I could come over it.  Isil’s approach and guidance were very crucial in this journey of mine. First of all, she always asked me the correct questions through which my awareness was facilitated and most importantly in a very gentle way. With her personalized and gentle approach, she provided me with a secure environment where I traveled within myself. During this, I always felt secure and taken care of without any offense. Security was crucial because this confrontation process removed most of my personal barriers and challenged my core pillars. Last but not least, her concrete attitude made me strong and enabled me to internalize the process. With her facilitation, I was able to rebuild my professional and personal pillars. I am grateful to have these sessions with her and look forward to implementing what I learned from this process throughout all my life.” 

Ashal Yuye

“Before the coaching with Isil, I had a hard professional choice in front of me, a crossroad and was not able to clearly identify which direction to take. As a result of the coaching, I started to rationalize the pros and cons of each of the choices in front of me which in the end helped me in reaching the final decision a few days later. I guess the session triggered the rational side of my personality which was blocked by the emotions I was experiencing. Isil as a coach listens carefully and is always focused which makes it easier for me to share. She always brings the discussion on track and doesn’t let the point of the session get lost. She challenges the discussion when things  seemed to be contradictory to previous affirmations – this helped me a lot to think over again and understand the reason of the contradiction and arrive at a final decision”

Marco Paleologo Oriundi

« Coaching with Isil helped me to really understand myself better, see my values, my skills. I also understood my strengths and reflected on how I can apply them in a way I really enjoy. 

Isil’s presence made me feel safe and open up. She created a safe and welcoming environment, fitting my energy in the moment. Through this environment,  I went out of my thinking bubble and saw other options besides the only one that I saw. I now  feel more confident and more sure of where I want to go. »

Celina Uhl

I started working with Isil because I was wavering about my career path. During our sessions, I was driven to explore my own thoughts in more detail. Working with Isil I achieved clarity as the current path I’m on is the correct one for me. Isil’s coaching style is engaging which lets me discover myself as if I am having an honest conversation with myself. 

Dr. Tarik Bozoglu