Grand Heron International

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If you have been thinking of taking the plunge into entrepreneurship, you certainly have a fair share of questions and doubts mulling around your head.
Grand Heron International

Grand Heron International

I’m often asked about the areas that executive coaches, such as myself, look at when working with individuals in senior-level positions or on accelerated tracks.
Wilfred Brewer

Wilfred Brewer

Ditch the New Year’s resolutions! We all know they eventually fade sometime between January 1st and Valentine’s Day. Our coaches have weighed-in on some simple
Grand Heron International

Grand Heron International

Rene Descartes famously uttered the words “Cogito ergo sum”…”translated to English as “I think, therefore I am” or, in French…“je pense, donc je suis”. Awareness
Rick Gardner, MCEC

Rick Gardner, MCEC

Do you find it difficult to say No to the needs and requests of your partner, family, friends, colleagues, and others? Maybe you feel obligated to
Sabrina Damato

Sabrina Damato

Personal Growth Through Time Personal growth is one of the most important journeys of our lives. When we are young, it happens instinctively as we
Gabriela Nitu

Gabriela Nitu

Being a great leader takes self-awareness and sometimes our actions are driven from a place that doesn’t have the best interests of everyone involved.
Michael Wallace

Michael Wallace

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a concept that has been used a lot in the last 20 years. It has its fans and it has its critics. And despite its criticism, it appeals to a fair amount of individuals, especially within the corporate world. In fact, some believe the singlemost important characteristic for future leaders, above all else, will be EI.
Gabriela Nitu

Gabriela Nitu